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Houston 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney

Houston 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney

Personal Injury Lawyers for 18-Wheeler Accident Victims

When a commercial truck such as an 18-wheeler, semi, or tractor-trailer collides with a passenger vehicle such as an automobile, SUV, light truck, or motorcycle, the results are usually tragic for the driver and passengers in the smaller vehicles. Such accidents often result in catastrophic injuries or even death. It is common knowledge that the most grievous injuries result from these accidents, including spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, comas, loss of limbs, disfigurement, and more. If you or someone you know has been seriously injured in an 18-wheeler or commercial truck accident in the Houston area, it is crucial that you contact a Houston accident attorney at the Chandler Law Firm LLP right away. You may have grounds for a personal injury case which needs to be investigated and evidence gathered and preserved as soon as possible.

18-Wheeler and Commercial Truck Accidents

Accidents involving 18-wheelers and other heavy trucks may be caused by any number of factors. Such factors may include driver fatigue, poorly maintained trucks, defective tires or other equipment, drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs, unlawful driving maneuvers, loads that are unbalanced or otherwise unsafe, poor or improper training of the driver, faulty safety policies of the trucking company, or other negligence. In these cases, the victims of trucking accidents have the right to file an injury claim seeking financial compensation for the damages they have suffered, including all medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, disability, and more.

In an 18-wheeler or other trucking accident, you need a Houston injury attorney who is familiar with trucking accident investigations and claims and who will aggressively fight to protect your legal interests. It is never too early to contact a Houston accident lawyer at the firm in such cases. The Chandler Law Firm injury attorneys are well-versed in federal and state trucking laws and in the injury claims process involving trucking accidents. Their foremost goal is to achieve the financial compensation you deserve in the aftermath of such an event.

Injured in an 18-wheeler accident? Contact a Houston Accident Attorney at the firm for legal assistance today!